February 20- End of residency. What a wonderful week! A temperature that goes from -20C accompanied by an icy wind but a magnificent sun to the rain through intense snow squalls. Never mind, we honored our appointments with the passengers and we collect magnificent touching testimonies on the history of the Valcourtois (es) and their attachment to the trees of their region. Went to the interactive, innovative Bombardier Museum of Ingenuity, the FabLab within their walls, we spent more than 3 hours there and were entitled to visit their reserve with the artefacts, nothing to envy to the great museums of this world. Even more respect for these people who have made their mark, people of heart.
Thank you for your welcome, for your wonderful collaboration, Karina, Éric, Nadia, Isabelle C, Isabelle D, Susanne, Marc, Kevin, Nicolas, Isaac, Christine, Denis, Marie-Claude and soon L-A.
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